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Sendung vom 23. März 2021

Ordentliches Mischhack für die typische Metal-X-Hartwurst. von Sami Abdel Aziz


angstkríg - lucifer kalder
devil sold his soul - beyond reach
kayak - mystery
the picturebooks & the major minor collective - here's to magic (feat. dennis lyxzen)
liquid tension experiment - beating the odds
die apokalyptischen reiter - licked by the tongues of hell
dvne - enûma eliš
aggravator - searing gas decomposition
the hirsch effect - domstol - orchestral version
entombed - forsaken (1990 version, r.i.p. lg petrov)
invincible force - abufihamat
nuclear - friendly sociopath
warhammer - shadow of the decapitator (r.i.p. volker "iron lung" frerich)