Norient Allgemein Timezones 1640 px x 924 px



Die Podcast-Reihe TIMEZONES erkundet die vielfältigen Realitäten von Künstler*innen und ihrer Praktiken weltweit und stellt die Frage: Was bedeutet es heute, in verschiedenen Ländern, Städten und Kontexten im Bereich Kultur und Kunst zu leben und zu arbeiten? Die  Reise geht von Nairobi über Rio de Janeiro  bis nach Beirut und Mount Makiling auf den Philippinen / die Ukraine und verarbeitet die Gedanken und Stimmungen der Künstler*innen, ihre sozialen, politischen und intellektuellen Realitäten und ihre(Lebens-) Philosophien zu künstlerischen Audiocollagen. 

TIMEZONES spielt dabei mit Formaten und Inhalten: der Podcast bewegt sich zwischen Journalismus und Experiment, Dokumentation, Ethnografie, Fiktion, Klangkunst oder Improvisation. Georgrafische Grenzen, Zeitzonen, Genres und Praktiken sollen überschritten und mit neuen künstlerischen Formen des Austauschs, des Zuhörens und des Erzählens experimentiert werden. Gemeinsam mit lokalen Produzent*innen und Künstler*innen entstehen dabei sehr persönliche Portraits und aktuelle Geschichten aus Städten rund um den Globus, die einen sehr subjektiven Eindruck in das weltweite und aktuelle Musik-und Kunstgeschehen ermöglichen.

TIMEZONES ist ein gemeinsames Projekt des Goethe-Instituts und Norient, dem weltweiten Redaktionsnetzwerk für zeitgenössische Musik- und Medienkulturen. 

Radio X ist neu als Partner mit an Bord: Als Weiterführung der im 2022 gestarteten Sendereihe airtime!, die künstlerischen Stimmen aus dem Globalen Süden und Osten Gehör verschafft, strahlen wir einmal im Monat eine Podcast-Folge aus. 

26. April NAIROBI: Nairobi’s Next Generation Music Producers and Performing Artists Speak Out

24. Mai BEIRUT: Traces of a City – A Pod Poem

21. Juni RIO DE JANEIRO: Staying Creative Between Beauty and Chaos in Rio de Janeiro

19. Juli MOUNT MAKILING: Ears on/of Mount Makiling

23. August BUENOS AIRES: Relations Condensed in Practice


The TIMEZONES podcast series plunges into the world of artists and their practices, asking: what does living and working in culture and the arts involve in different countries, cities, and contexts today? The experimental journey goes from Nairobi via Rio de Janeiro to Beirut and Mount Makiling in the Philippines/Ukraine and brings the he artists’ thoughts on their moods, their social, political, and intellectual realities and their philosophies (of life) into experimental audio collages.

The TIMEZONES podcasts run the gamut of formats and content, from straight journalism to experimental and documentary approaches, ethnography and fiction, sound art, and improvisation. The series endeavors to create new artistic forms of storytelling, listening and exchange across the boundaries of geography, time zones, genres, and practices. Together with local producers and artists, the podcast creates very personal portraits and current stories from cities around the globe, which allow a very subjective impression of the worldwide and current music and art scenes.

The Timezones Podcast Series is co-initiated and co-produced by the Goethe-Instituts and Norient, the worldwide platform and network for contemporary music and media cultures. 

Radio X is now on board as a partner: As a continuation of the series airtime!, which was launched in 2022 and which makes artistic voices from the Global South and East heard, we broadcast a podcast episode once a month. 

April 26, NAIROBI: 

May 24, BEIRUT: Traces of a City – A Pod Poem

June 21, RIO DE JANEIRO: Staying Creative Between Beauty and Chaos in Rio de Janeiro

July 19, MOUNT MAKILING: Ears on/of Mount Makiling

August 23, BUENOS AIRES: Relations Condensed in Practice


Salon Noirx Logo by Kwaku Opoku

Salon Noirx: Episode 01 der neuen Staffel, gehostet von Kwaku Opoku aka Reez

Kwaku Opoku übernimmt ab sofort die Redaktion, Moderation und Produktion der neuen Salon Noirx Episoden. Der Künstler, Designer und Musiker ist in Ghana aufgewachsen, hat lange in New York gelebt und ist heute in Basel zu Hause. In Gesprächen geht er einfühlsam auf die Menschen ein, die in irgendeiner Form Hürden erleben. Es sind POCs oder BIPOCs, die aus unterschiedlichen Berufssparten kommen und von ihren Erfahrungen als nicht weisse Menschen in der Schweiz erzählen.  von Danielle Bürgin

22.09.29 und 22.10.01 Episode 01 by Kwaku Opoku aka Reez

First Episode of Salon Noirx hosted by Kwaku Opoku


The new Salon Noirx season on Radio X is a conversation format show that will start in fall 2022 with four episodes. It was developed out of an urgent, socially relevant necessity in Switzerland – a society constantly shaped by and through migration. But the migration society does not correspond to the self-image of Switzerland as a whole.

This contradiction is often evident in the Swiss mass media and how many are treated in the country. Even further, it’s weird to see a country with a plus or cross on its flag, minus and segregating many deemed “outsiders.” The calculations don’t add up, which is why the show exists.

Salon Noirx makes the diversity and stories of people living somewhat on the fringes visible & heard. On the show, art, music, and culture professionals introduce and interview each other – participants tell their own stories and make sense of their and others’ perspectives. This sharing of experiences and knowledge allows a unique flow of understanding to be harnessed through conversation. The show critically investigates the word integration and tries to make sense of it through these shared capacities.


The show’s identity flirts with the idea of a safe space open to everyone. However, the people that enter this space are those looking for a way to be safe in a seemingly larger unsafe space. Further, as the name suggests, this safe space is a salon where these seekers of safety converse and make connections through shared and also radically different experiences. Visualizing these connections by abstracting the cross on the swiss flag by showing it as an open space speaks to what the show is about. It’s a representation of a society that has long thrived on a mythical identity while othering many.


From Kindergardners to Masters Students and everything in-between, the system encourages ideals that push forth discrimination, specifically Xenophobia. Sadly enough, this isn’t new in Switzerland. Now, with a new generation caught up in this cycle, it’s safe to call them the Xen Z. A generation that is consciously and subconsciously becoming more xenophobic by the minute, and they don’t even know it.

In this episode, we look closely at whether these statements are factual or not. First, we spoke to Jennifer Gehrig, a former Baselland special needs kindergarden teacher who was once also a kindergardener, and Alice Anaman, a current Highschool senior who moved to Basel when she was 14. Then, we spoke to three fresh FHNW HGK Masters graduates who moved here from India two years ago – Ankita D’souza, Prarthana Dixit & Chiara Gonsalves. These varied experiences and perspectives seemed like the perfect way to get a sense of what is going on and currently happening.

It is also the ideal beginning of the Salon Noirx season, a chance to understand what the kids are learning about each other at a young age and how to treat people who look different from them. Like the pills many kids are popping these days without knowing, Xen X provides an insight into a similar parallel that’s going on these days concerning discrimination – they’re just doing it.

Episode Credits: Reported by Kwaku’ Reez’ Opoku

Original music by Reez & Kxlab

Links: Kwaku Opoku // Salon Noirx - Artist Interviews (