CIVIC Radio Episode 3: Growing Magic Moments
Bei der prozesshaften Veranstaltung "Growing Magic Moments" geht es um menschliche Begegnungen, nicht nur um eine Party. Es ist ein gegenseitiger Austausch von versteckten, unsichtbaren Energien, welche zu magischen und unerwarteten Momenten führen. Darüber reden wir in der dritten Episode von CIVIC Radio auf Radio X mit den Kurator:innen dieses Projektes, welches vom 13. bis 21. Juni im CIVIC (ehemaliges Foyer des HGK-Hochturmes) stattfindet. von Danielle Bürgin
22.06.13 Civic Radio Episode 3
Growing Magic Moments: Magical Moments wachsen, wenn sich Menschen und Ideen begegnen.
Der CIVIC-Raum im ehemaligen Foyer des HGK-Hochhauses ist ein Ort der Begegnungen. Hier treffen unterschiedliche Menschen mit verschiedenen Erfahrungen und Ideen aufeianander. Zur prozesshaften Veranstaltung "Growing Magic Moments" schreiben die Kurator:innen Agnes Leclaire und Ely Duarte (beide sturieren Prozessgestaltung am Hyperwerk):
It’s an exchange of hidden and invisible energies that lead to magical and unexpected moments. We are people with different stories and experiences who can inspire, strengthen, and give each other courage for our creative work and the formation of our daily perceptions. These hidden resources and energies lie in our community as well as within ourselves and can be teased out and unfolded through an exchange with one another.
It’s a giving and a receiving act.
And so is the silence in between.
It’s an action and reaction.
It’s a love letter to you. To us. To the universe.
We want to create a playground with experimental, subliminal, improvised, and self-growing approaches. We want to let the process run free.
Because the most beautiful compositions are found in chaos.
Together we will explore the following questions:
How can we encourage more of these “magical moments”?
How can we describe these "magic moments" and make them visible?
How can a physical space encourage the release of this energy?
How does the framework have to be designed to create sustainable dynamics and connections?
Which medium requires our creative and intersocial action?
Do you believe in miracles and magic?
We believe that the answers will be found in doing and in sharing.
We hope to break from our daily perspective — our patterns of behavior — and escape from the familiar and the obvious.
Magic Moments aims to produce friction and energies that create sparks in the universe.
Exhibition 13. – 21. June 2022
A process-based installation and social space for everyone containing anecdotes, works, objects and quotes of students, faculty, and staff of HGK.
Wednesday 15. June, 5 pm
Opening with welcome words by Matylda Krzykowski, Ely Duarte, Agnes Leclaire, and Julia Alessandri.
An evening to celebrate human connections and create magical moments together featuring:
5 –11 pm
5 – 7 pm
DJ Set by mohn
6 pm @TANK
Opening of PETER KLEIN – BLUMEN BLÜHEN, WO BIST DU? with welcome words by Chus Martínez + book release LIKE THIS. Natural Intelligence As Seen by Art, specially commissioned works for der TANK 2016 – 2021, in collaboration with Hatje Cantz
7 pm
“Flying” Apéro Buffet
Ask another person in the room to help you get your food
7 – 9 pm
DJ Set by El_vira
9 pm
Love songs & Love letters
Write a love letter for the person next to you and listen to the special CIVIC Love Songs Playlist, compiled by HGK humans and us.
9.30 – 10.30 pm
11 pm until late
“EXCUSE YOU!”-Afterparty @HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste)
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, HEK, and Wilde Gallery present a tropical gothic, cumbia, and Blaxican dance party featuring DJ El Segundo and Heatwave. The event will feature a performance by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Leigh Kotsilidis with live thermal cameras.
Thursday 16. + Friday 17. June
“Ukrainian Realities"
A photo exhibition and short-film screening
by HGK-students Alisa Probylova, Arina Sirochenko, Zhenya Semenova
Agnes Leclaire & Ely Duarte, Curators (+ BA in Prozessgestaltung @HyperWerk)
Claire Flury, Julia Alessandri, Michèle Blatter, Tamara Schneider, Scenography (+ BA in Innenarchitektur und Szenografie)
Floris Maniscalco, Sound Installations (+ BA in Bildende Kunst)
Thank you for the opportunity
Matylda Krzykowski, CIVIC Artistic Lead
Jenni Schmitt, CIVIC Project Lead
Marco Mastrogiacomo, Lovis Dalla Libera, Technical Support
Stefanie Rohrer, Event Management
Enver Pajaziti, Facility Management