Eine feuchte Kakofonie: Womxn Waves von Magali Dougoud
In der Serie "Womxn Waves" geht es darum Frauen*, das Thema Wasser und unterschiedliche Stimmen zu einem Klangkunstwerk zu vermischen. Hinter der Serie steht Magali Dougoud, eine Visual-Künstlerin aus der Westschweiz. "Womxn Waves" wird um Mitternacht auf Radio X vorgestellt. von Danielle Bürgin
Magali Dougoud Womxn Waves The Uprising of the Cariatids
Ein Hörstück zur Weiblichkeit und die Kraft des Wassers
Womxn Waves by Magali Dougoud:
Visual artist Magali Dougoud proposes a series of radio pieces entitled Womxn Waves connecting womxn, water and different voices in five experimental pieces, the poetic and theoretical approach of which are inspired by post-anthropocentric feminisms. Linking the Seine, the Spree, the Congo River, the Strait of Magellan and other waterways, the artist imagines an aquatic and immersive road-trip.
Water and liquidity, which run through this radio broadcast, are channels of communication and fluctuating
boundaries between space and time, mixing distant pasts and uncertain futures. Seas, lakes, rivers and streams become an archive, an original memory that crosses us and is transmitted to each "Bodies of Water"(1). These rivers are places of politics, transformation, assembly and multiplication. By ingesting
water, we swallow them and together we become flows of culture and politics, constantly crossing this transcorporeal space. It is then a matter of inventing new narratives inspired from hypotheses and potential stories.
Womxn Waves is a serie of five episodes (french/english), brodcasted bimonthly during the year 2021-22 in several Swiss radio stations like Radio X in Basel or Unperfect Radio in Lausanne, TRNSTN Radio in Fribourg, Radio Laptop in Geneva and Megahex in Zürich
The project is supported by the FSRC/SRKS, the city of Lausanne, and the Gwaertler Stiftung.
Womxn Waves - Episode 1
The Uprising of the Caryatids with the voices, interpretations, music, translation, videos and texts by Myriam Jarmache, Julie Magnenat, Nina Berclaz, Maddy Dymond, Youmna Saba, Clarisse Zarvos, Sirenessa, Ibey, Vanny Bosch, Paloma Ayala, Marija Bozinovska Jones, Habibitch, Renate Lorenz, Ursula K.Leguin
This first episode of Womxn Waves «The Uprising of the Caryatids» is interested in the Wallace fountains in Paris and is about becoming oceanic, reversals and dance. In this audio piece, female figures revolt, sinking the city. They imagine new narratives, in which voices multiply, repeat and overlap in a kind of
wet cacophony.