Salon Noirx

Kunstschaffende aus der Schweiz im Gespräch

In Salon Noirx kommen monatlich Kunst- und Kulturschaffende aus der ganzen Schweiz an den Runden Tisch und sprechen gemeinsam über ihre Praktiken und wie diese zu den aktuellen Zeiten stehen.

Salon Noir is a round table format in which artists and cultural workers across Switzerland come together to discuss their practice as it relates to the current times.

Salon Noirx wird freundlicherweise durch die Christoph Merian Stiftung und ab 2022 neu von der Stiftung Radio und Kultur Schweiz SRKS unterstützt. 


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Playlist of the month November: I Used To Be Sam

Annie Goodchild aka I Used To Be Sam aka the ever glowing seamstress of soulful vocals handcurated a selection of musical sweets for our playlist of the month november. On december 8th she/they will be playing a live session from their newest release, self titled EP I USED TO BE SAM (Irascible). von Mirco Kaempf

Describe the playlist in 3 words

Sweet vocals, songs I wish I wrote & yummy ( not three words but you get it)

Where was your first gig ever?

This is actually a long story but for the purpose of this I’ll say, the first show I played was in a magical little whole in the wall mezcal bar in Antigua, Guatemala called “ Café No Sé”.  

Whats the last concert you saw?

A Sofar Sounds in London

Whats the latest record you added to your collection?

Gabriels - Angels and Queens part 1

If you could throw a party anywhere in Basel where would it be?

My house, cause I’m most comfortable here.

Whats the best late night snack ever?


Something you’d like to say would be____

What did you dream about last night? /Dismantle oppressive systems/ anything coconut flavoured

Thank you Annie! 

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portrait von annie goodchild aka i used to be sam
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