
Die Sendung

Im Sommer 2018 hat der RFV Basel eine Vorstudie veröffentlicht zum Frauenanteil in Basler Bands. Von 3'000 aktiven Mitgliedern waren damals gerade mal 10% weiblich. Diese Erhebung zeigt, dass der Handlungsbedarf riesig ist. Aber was sind konkrete Lösungsansätze? Einer davon ist sicher "Empowerment" junger Frauen*. 

VEnuX ist eine Porträtserie von Frauen* aus dem Musikbereich:

Durch ihre Geschichten werden dem Publikum spannende Impressionen von Alltags- und Lebensrealitäten von Frauen* im Musikbusiness geboten. VEnuX blickt hinter die Kulissen der Schweizer Musikszene – aus Sicht von Frauen*. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Gedanke des Empowerments, der Sichtbarkeit und der Förderung von Frauen* im Musikbusiness.

VEnuX steht als Podcast zur Verfügung.

Die Sendung wird vom RFV Basel präsentiert und freundlich von Helvetiarockt unterstützt. 

Weitere spannende Links: 

Music Directory (Helvetiarockt/CH)

Female Bandworkshops (Helvetiarockt/CH)

Diversity Roadmap (Helvetiarockt und Petzi/CH)

Keychange PRS Foundation (EU)

Verein Les Belles de Nuits (ZH)

Und hier noch ein neues Powerprojekt aus Basel/Ramallah: Kallemi - das sind Jasmin Albash (RK) und Jennifer Perez (La Nefera) aus Basel und Maysa Daw und Rasha Nahas aus Palästina. Die vier haben sich im April 2018 kennengelernt. Die vier erfahrenenen Musikerinnen arbeiten seither zum ersten Mal in einer reinen Frauenformation. Jasmin Albash erzählt davon in der ersten Ausgabe von VenuX (am 22. Mai 2019). 

Diese Fotos sind Symbolbilder für Frauen* in Basler Bands. Hinter der Kamera stand jeweils Radio X Fotograf Dominik Asche. 

When Creativity Meets Chaos: Insights into the Uncompressed Music Scene in Kampala

Episode 15 of the TIMEZONES podcast series, co-initiated and co-produced by Norient and the Goethe-Institut. This episode offers insight into the uncompressed music scene in Kampala, Uganda. It looks into the evolution of (underground) club culture and shows how house parties contributed so much to create the roots of feeling safe and a support system in the music community. von Danielle Bürgin

When Creativity Meets Chaos: Kampala

When Creativity Meets Chaos: Insights into the Uncompressed Music Scene in Kampala

This episode further discusses the importance of the Nyege Nyege label and festival that has gained massive international attention lately. 

Many thriving DJs and producers have come out of Kampala’s underground music scene in the past few years. In this podcast episode, we invite our fellow music producers and DJs to share their processes of music production and explain how the city inspires their creativity.

Kampala is a beautiful city surrounded by Lake Victoria and its nature that brings a certain level of peace amidst chaos. We recorded the podcast in the city, relating to the sounds in our surroundings, and how each of the artists connect to different aspects of the city, such as noise, the people, and its environment. 

Uganda is a socially conservative, majority Christian and Muslim country. To see the momentum of artists expressing themselves in a free create form is very impressive. We look into the growth of Kampala in the past decade. There’s a lot more light on the music scene now than before. The momentum comes from the multiple cultures that bring along unique sounds that evolve in this creativity space, and there’s a lot of room to be inspired and learn.

Over the years, Kampala has become a global incubator of sounds. We see artists from the diaspora and East African community gaining interest in exploring the city and doing residencies at Nyege Nyege studios (Villa) which has harbored collaborations among artists.

It’s such a beautiful opportunity to bring you into our evolving music scene in East Africa. We hope you enjoy it.


«I see Kampala skyrocketing in a couple of years. There’s so much knowledge musically here and it’s all super organic. All we need, or everyone needs, is just the resource capital, in a way.» Nsasi

«The first software was Fruity Loops.» Rey Sapienz

«It limits the way you view yourself as an achiever when you don’t see a certain kind of people winning in music.» Turkana

«In a couple of years Kampala music is going to be hardcore insane. It’s really crazy and amazing right now.» DJ Flo



A podcast byTurkana - initiated and co-produced by  Norient and the Goethe-Institut  by supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.


Authentically Plastic
DJ Flo 
Martin Kanja 
Rey Sapienz