Oki Doki Gaming Club

Willkommen im Lesekreis für Videogames!

Monatlich schnappen wir uns ein Game oder Thema und besprechen dies nach Form & Inhalt.

Egal ob FPS, JRPG’s, AAA’s, Indies, neue oder alte IPs. Ästhetik, Sound, Narrativ, Gameplay. Wir interessieren uns für die existenziellen und banalen Fragen. Wie erfüllend sind Sidequests? Wer war dein erster Videogame crush? Und was bitte bedeutet Freiheit in einer simulierten Welt?

Videospiele sind heute ein riesiger Industriezweig. Sind Teil unserer Kultur. Äussern sich Mainstream oder radikal. Da sind die Nutzer:innen eigentlich nur noch NPC’s. Oder doch nicht?

OG Characters des Oki Doki Gaming Club sind : Lucien Montandon, Anna Dippert, Ufuk Tan, Lena Frei, Mirco Kämpf und Noemie Keller.

Oki Doki Gaming Club - It’s a book club for videogames!
[ganz ohne Microtransactions oder procedurally generated content]


 Jeden zweiten Samstag im Monat um 19 Uhr.

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Logo All Dey Radio

All Dey von Kwaku' Reez' Opoku - Episode 4

This ideal State is functional and transparent, provides welfare benefits to its citizens, but fights off foreigners messing with their vibe. However, this State’s desires are deeply rooted in an attachment to a (fictional) national identity and a resentment towards the Other. This Other is both the “better-off” Other (rich Northern Europeans) and the disenfranchised Other (refugees and migrants). The latter, of course, is the easiest to attack and blame for all the ills of the world. von Danielle Bürgin

Being constantly othered makes it extremely easy for ‘locals’ to be hostile towards you, the “foreign bodies,” and controlled. The modes of control – prisons, ghettos, minoritizing, schooling, policing - are ways to ensure the ascendancy of a nation and its white elite. They often go hand in hand with strategies of internal colonialism, such as segregation, divestment, surveillance, and criminalization, which are both structural and interpersonal. This othering makes it extremely easy to create a void and avoid. They foster insanely cold interactions that allow nothing new

to grow. This episode points fingers at these moments and attempts to devise ways to slowly break down these structures and modes of control.


Episode Credits:

Kea Boccomino

Reported by Kwaku’ Reez’ Opoku Original music by Reez & Kxlab