Metal-X vom 24. Mai 2022
In Gedenken an Komponisten-Legende Vangelis und zum Jubiläum des Kult-Fantasystreifens "Conan The Barbarian". Uggha! von Sami Abdel Aziz
epica - unchain utopia (live)
hangman's chair - loner
...and you will know us by the trial of dead - salt in your eyes
urferd - hemfärd
skull fist - long live the fist
heart attack - the messenger
master boot record - 80468dx
basil poledouris - prologue / anvil of crom (conan the barbarian)
lord belial - destruction
trouble - plastic green head
die apokalyptischen reiter - nur frohen mutes
vangelis (r.i.p.) - tears in rain (blade runner)